You Can't Afford To Ignore A Foundation Problem

You Can't Afford To Ignore A Foundation Problem

Sometimes, we have no choice but to prioritize the various tasks we take on. That goes for your
home repairs and maintenance as well, and when it comes to home projects it's very easy to get
overwhelmed with the costs and the time constraints of various repairs. But one thing that you
can't afford to ignore is your home's foundation.

The term foundation says it all, really. It's what your home is built on, and if your foundation is
damaged then your entire home will suffer as a result. Whether it's a major repair or just some
basic maintenance, you need to keep your foundation in top shape. Here are some of the key
reasons that you can't ignore with foundation repair and maintenance issues.

For starters, catching something early on will help prevent future problems. That tiny crack? It
could grow and become a major issue. Or it could be indicative of an issue that is causing major
damage to your entire home foundation. No matter the case, catching issues early on will prevent
them from turning into huge repairs. This means you'll pay less money on the process and will be
able to avoid larger hassles later on.
Those bigger repairs to your home foundation can cost thousands, even tens of thousands in
some severe instances. Compare this to the relatively small cost of some routine inspections and
maintenance, and it becomes clear that the first sign of a foundation issue is all it should take for
you to get help.
Nobody wants to live in a home that looks terrible. And all the cleaning or decorating in the
world doesn't cover up the issues that can be caused by a foundation issue. Your home's
foundation could make it harder to enjoy your time there. From being unable to open a window
to having huge cracks in the drywall from settling, foundation issues can impact the look and feel
of your property.
One thing you might not realize is that a foundation issue can lead to some risks to your health
and safety. The obvious reason is in the structural stability of your home, and if a foundation
wall fails it could lead to a collapse of part of your home - which in turn can cause serious
injuries. Even if it doesn't get that severe, something as simple as mold growth triggered by
moisture entering the basement through cracks could create a health risk.
Your home's overall value has an impact on a lot. It can influence your ability to sell the home in
the future, secure a refinance or other home-based loan, and much more. In other words, if you
ignore your home's foundation you could impact your overall financial stability in the future.
In extreme cases, ignoring a foundation issue with your home could lead to you being forced to
move out. Inspectors could literally condemn your home if you let the issue go. This is a worst
case scenario, but a very real one.
Simply put, you owe it to yourself, your home, and your family to take the time to confront
foundation issues as soon as they occur.