
Make your sunken concrete look like new.

Reasons To Try A Polyurethane Foam Injection Instead of Concrete Replacement It 's easy. From the time a polyurethane form is placed around your ex

Avoiding a wet basement.

Having a wet basement is often a homeowner's worst nightmare. The excess humidity and the resulting mold growth can cause dangerous health problems, b

Cracked foundation? Safe your home's value!

Cracks in your home’s foundation can be a sign that it needs some serious attention. If you see cracks or other signs of foundation problems, yo

Sinking Foundation? Here are some causes

Foundation problems are not new for most of us when it comes to home renovation and remodeling. It's the truth that every homeowner will face foundati

Egress Windows: everything you need to know

The sun-ray egress windows are double-hung. The glass is held in place by two metal strips screwed into the window frame. The strips are separated by

Mold? Here's 7 safety tips.

Mold grows fast and spreads as spores that disperse in wind and water. Sometimes, mold spores find their way into our homes through windows, doors, an